Beatle Boots
(Riff Regan, Steve Voice)
My favourite street is Carnaby W1
I’m incomplete without my ID bracelet on
I spend my readies though there ain’t a bean
No blue fivers just the Queen in green
You’re always broke when you’re living the dream
Copying Brian Jones in ‘Rave’ magazine
My favourite drink is whisky, splash of coke
I go up West in my souped-up Mini Moke
I blag my way into the Scotch of St James
Say I’m a good friend of Ronnie Lane’s
You need to make up some outlandish claims
If you want to meet the really big rock ‘n’ roll names
My Cuban-heel Beatle boots
Go neatly with my new black suit
I’m walking high, my head in the air
With my button-down collar and John Lennon hair
Beatle boots, Beatle boots
My favourite girl is Christine Keeleresque
With a hint of Twigs ‘n’ Shrimp thrown in I guess
I meet her down the Cromwellian
If she’s into star-signs, I’m Aquarian
Radio Caroline with full volume on
Then up to the Heath for a bit of fun
My Cuban-heel Beatle boots
Go neatly with my new black suit
I’m walking high, my head in the air
With my button-down collar and John Lennon hair
Beatle boots, Beatle boots
My favourite street is Carnaby W1
I’m incomplete without my ID bracelet on
I spend my readies though there ain’t a bean
No blue fivers just the Queen in green
You’re always broke when you’re living a dream
Copying Brian Jones in ‘Rave’ magazine
My Cuban-heel Beatle boots
Go neatly with my new black suit
I’m walking high, my head in the air
With my button-down collar and John Lennon hair
My Cuban-heel Beatle boots
Go neatly with my new black suit
I’m walking high, my head in the air